The Role of Food and Nutrition
Did You Know? What you eat can help to support your immune system, keep you healthy, and reduce the risk of serious illness or disease. Here are some easy tips to feel your best while fueling with nutrition!

COVID Reflections and Mental Health (Part 1)
Join Elisa Valles, Director of Walden Community Services, and Brittney Granger, Director of Clinical Services at Advocates, as they reflect on communication and access barriers they encountered within the mental health system, and among the Deaf community, during the COVID pandemic.

COVID Reflections and Mental Health (Part 2)
Join Elisa Valles, Director of Walden Community Services, and Brittney Granger, Director of Clinical Services at Advocates, as they reflect post-pandemic accessibility challenges the Deaf community continues to encounter, and how they would like to shape the future of healthcare and access to services.

Mental Health and COVID
It's a widespread experience known as Post-COVID Depressive Symptoms. Learn more about mental health and COVID from Walden Community Services.

Emergency COVID-19 Update
Learn more about the latest COVID-19 variants from Deaf, Inc.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (RSV)
Learn more about RSV and the latest on RSV.

Tips to Stay Healthy During the Winter Months

Stay Home When You're Sick!
If it's a cold, the Flu or COVID, the best thing you can do is stay home and keep others from getting sick, also! Here are some reminders and tips to help our community stay healthy together.

The New COVID Booster
(Septemnber 2023): Dr. IV Mirus shares his thoughts with the Daily Moth on the new Covid-19 vaccine that targets the XBB.1.5 variant.
Click here for transcript.

¿Está preparado para el verano?
¡Aquí tiene cuatro consejos que le ayudarán a mantener a todo el mundo sano y salvo!

Post-Pandemic: Part Three
As we head into summer months and vacation planning, what is the best way we can stay vigilant about our health?
Watch our final check-in with Epidemiologist Dr. Lorne Farovitch.

Post-Pandemic: Part Two
What does the "end of the pandemic" really mean? Check out Part 2 of our check-in with Epidemiologist Dr. Lorne Farovitch.

Post-Pandemic: Part One
It's been three years since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Even though the State of Emergency is over - where are we now with the virus? Watch Part One of our check-in with Epidemiologist Dr. Lorne Farovitch.

Mask Mandates Post PHE
With the end of the public health emergency (PHE) on May 11, you may wonder if places still require masks and face coverings? We have summarized what you can expect in this quick video.
Transcript en español | português | français

End of Public Health Emergency
The Federal and Massachusetts COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Declarations ended on May 11, 2023.
Here’s what will change—and what will stay the same.
Testing at Home
In January, 2023, the FDA granted another three-month shelf-life extension for the iHealth COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test, which extended the shelf-life of all iHealth tests from 6 months to 15 months. Please use the tool below to check the most updated expiration date of your kit:
About the COVID-19 Virus

COVID Workshop with Andy Tao

COVID-19 Checklist
Here are some important steps that you can take to protect yourself, your family, and your community from COVID-19.
About the Vaccine

COVID-19 Boosters: Fast Facts
- Like other viruses, COVID-19 changes over time, leading to new variants.
- Boosters provide protection against these variants, giving your body an added layer of defense.
- You can still get COVID-19 after getting a booster, but your risk of severe illness hospitalization, and death are greatly reduced.
- Recommended booster doses vary by age and health status. hospitalization, and death are greatly reduced.

Is it time for your booster?
COVID-19 is changing, and so is the way we protect against it. In April 2023, the CDC gave new guidance. Here’s what you need to know.
Spanish | Portuguese | French

In-Home Vaccinations
Massachusetts offers in-home vaccination for anyone who has difficulty getting to or using a community vaccination location, including children 6 months and older.

Bivalent COVID-19 vaccine
There are two mRNA bivalent COVID-19 vaccine products:
- Bivalent Moderna booster dose recommended for people ages 18 years and older
- Bivalent Pfizer-BioNTech booster dose recommended for people ages 12 years and older

5 Things to Know about the COVID-19 Vaccine
- Being fully vaccinated and boosted prevents the greatest level of protection against the dangers of COVID-19
- COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective and free for adults and kids
- Kids ages 6 months and up can now be vaccinated. Vaccinating kids helps protect the whole family
- No ID or insurance is required for vaccination
- There are new treatments for COVID-19 that are safe, effective and free. Contact your doctor/nurse practitioner immediately if you test positive and have mild to moderate symptoms. You can also visit mass.gov/CovidTreatments

What to expect when an individual gets vaccinated for COVID-19

How COVID-19 Vaccines Are Made
Frequently Asked Questions about how COVID-19 vaccines are made by the Minnesota Department of Health.

What if I Lose my Vaccine Card?
There are a few ways to get a copy of your COVID-19 vaccine record.
- If you were vaccinated at a health care center or by your primary care provider: contact the location where you got vaccinated.
- If you were vaccinated at a pop-up clinic: contact your primary care provider, or explore the other options below.
- If you were vaccinated at a retail pharmacy: you may be able to access your record online, or contact a pharmacist (varies by pharmacy).
- If you were vaccinated at a state mass vaccination site, follow these instructions.
You can also:
- Get a digital copy from My Vax Records.
- Find your record in v-safe (if you already enrolled).
- Fill out a state immunization record request form. This will provide a record of all vaccines you've gotten. It may take several weeks to process.

Your Digital Vaccine Record
Massachusetts may have a record of vaccinations you received in the Commonwealth. This may include COVID-19, influenza, tetanus, and many others. Use the Massachusetts Immunization Information System (MIIS) portal to access your COVID-19 digital vaccine card.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to pay to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
No. The COVID-19 vaccine is free. You will never be asked for a credit card number to make an appointment. You must make an appointment to get a vaccine.
Should people who have had COVID-19 previously be vaccinated?
Yes, people who have previously had COVID-19 should be vaccinated.
Where can I find vaccine clinics near me?
Please visit the state website VaxFinder.
I do not drive. How can I receive a vaccine?
MassHealth is providing free transportation to vaccine appointments to any individual that has any type of MassHealth coverage or the Health Safety Net. If you have MassHealth or the Health Safety Net, you can call your health plan or MassHealth directly to schedule free transportation at 800-841-2900 (TTY: 800-497-4648).
Additionally, some local towns offer vaccines for homebound individuals for anyone ages 6 months and older. Please contact your local Board of Health or Municipal Government Office.
Can a COVID-19 vaccine make me sick with COVID-19?
No. The Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccines do not contain the live virus that causes COVID-19. This means that a COVID-19 vaccine cannot make you sick with COVID-19; therefore, if you test positive for COVID-19, even if you have gotten the vaccine, you would need to isolate.
How Do I Know the Vaccine is Safe?
It’s important to know that vaccines go through more testing than any other pharmaceuticals. First, small groups of people receive the trial vaccine. Next, vaccine is given to people with certain characteristics (e.g., age, race, and physical health). Then, vaccine is given to tens of thousands of people and tested for effectiveness and safety. After that, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) looks at the data to see whether the vaccine works and is safe. They give advice to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA looks at the data and the advice from the ACIP and decides whether to approve the vaccine. The vaccine is only approved after all of these steps are done, and the experts are sure that it works and is safe.
Please visit Ensuring the Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines in the United States or access multilingual vaccine fact sheets here.
How long after getting the COVID-19 vaccine does it take to be effective?
It usually takes a few weeks for the body to build immunity after vaccination. That means it's possible a person could be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 just before or just after vaccination and get sick. This is because the vaccine has not had enough time to provide protection. You are considered fully vaccinated if you have received two doses of either the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines or a single dose of the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine more than 14 days ago.
Contact Information:
- For help scheduling an appointment: 2-1-1 or (877) 211-6277
- Health Care For All: (800) 272-4232
- For Mental Health Concerns, please contact Mass Support at (888) 215-4920 or 2-1-1

Visual Communication Card
A Visual Communication Card can be helpful for Clinic staff to help ensure you have language access. You can download and print this card out, or show someone your phone at your clinic location.
The Learning Center for the Deaf has partnered with Health Care For All for its Vaccine Equity Initiative since 2020.
We are thrilled to be the recipient of a fourth grant from HCFA which allows us to continue our work providing outreach, education and resources through June 2024!
*Note: It is the mission of The Learning Center for the Deaf to ensure information regarding the COVID-19 vaccine is accessible for all, including vaccine clinics, educational materials and support services. We acknowledge and respect the decision to receive the COVID-19 vaccine is personal, and The Learning Center for the Deaf encourages individuals to use the non exhaustive list of resources below, as well as individual medical professionals, to continue to examine the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.