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School Hours
- MPS Preschool: Monday through Thursday, 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM; Fridays 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
- Kindergarten through Grade 12: Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM
2024-2025 School Calendars*
Due to file size, please allow time for calendars to load. For best results, DOWNLOAD to view or print file. *Changes since the draft calendar release: November, March, May, and June half days were adjusted to align with the MCAS schedule released by DESE.
The Learning Center for the Deaf Educational Policies and Procedures Manual is housed in each of the main offices, and is available by request.

Skyward Portal
TLC uses Skyward for family/parent communication, student grades, and important reminders. Additional tutorials, and a support ticket form, can be found below:
School Resources
- MPWS 2025-26 Student/Caregiver Handbook
- Third-Party and Google Workspace Apps
- Family School Partnership
- TLC Parent Association
- Parent Advisory Group
- Food Services
- TLC Community Calendar
- Health and Safety Guidelines
- COVID-19 Vaccine Education
- Mental Health and Crisis Resources
- Talking about Violence - Resources
Transition Department:
- Financial Literacy Series
- Exceptional Lives
- Federal Student Aid Checklists for all Grades
- MassAbility (formerly Mass Rehabilitation Commission)
- MA Department of Developmental Services
- MA Department of Mental Health
- Steps to Massachusetts Guardianship
- Bureau of Transitional Planning
- Advocates Deaf Services
- Independent Living Services for Deaf/HoH
- Center for Work and Living (Deaf and Hard of Hearing Independent Living Services)
- Work Community Independence Deaf Residential Supports
- Deaf, Inc. Advocacy, Resources, and Education Services
Guidance and Support for the Protection of Immigrants

Know Your Rights
Whether you’re a U.S. citizen, a green card holder, a student on a visa, or undocumented, you have legal rights.
For additional resources, visit the Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition website.

Upholding the Rights of Immigrant Students to Enroll in School
Guidance from Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
For additional languages, click here.

If You Are an Immigrant, Here are Nine Things You Should Know
Resource from Council de Manos
Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan (2023-2025)
The Learning Center for the Deaf is dedicated to fostering a respectful school culture, free from harassment, bullying, cyber-bullying, and retaliation of any kind. Community members are expected to treat each other with respect, fully aware that acts of bullying, harassment, cyber-bullying, and retaliation are prohibited on school grounds, in school buildings, or in any school related activities.
The following Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan (BPIP) is a comprehensive approach to address and prevent issues of violence within our school. This Plan establishes a common approach to prevent, intervene, and respond to incidents of bullying, cyber-bullying, and retaliation should they occur.
In addition, the links below offer two different documents that can be used to formally report a bullying incident at MPS or WS. These forms are available for any student, parent/caregiver, or staff to fill out on behalf of a student.
español | português | français | Tiếng Việt | kiswahili | kreyol ayisyen
Reporting Forms:

Fitting the IEP Pieces Together - Webinar and Parent Toolkit
From Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center at Gallaudet University - For Parents, Teachers, Related Service Providers, and IEP Coordinators.
Watch a panel moderated by a licensed social worker that features a parent, social worker, school district coordinator, and IEP coordinator.
Then, check out our new Parent Advocacy site, which is home to IEP and 504 meeting guides, toolkits, and more!

Dinner Table Syndrome
What is DTS? How can we all work together to be inclusive of everyone - including Deaf children and adults - at holiday gatherings, family dinner tables and other social events? Some great tips and information in this video!

Student Support Services
Our schools are designed to support our students with highly individualized support services, including Audiology. PT, OT and SLP. Here is a brief overview of the services your child receives at TLC.

Inclement Weather/School Closures
School closures are announced no later than 6:00 AM across the following platforms:
- Marie Philip School Facebook Page
- Text Alerts
- Local news websites and apps, including: WCVB Channel 5, WBZ Boston Channel 4, WHDH Boston Channel 7, MyFoxBoston
For more information, view our Frequently Asked Questions (en español | português)
Family-Centered Programs and Events
- VL2: Visual Language and Learning
- Visual Storybook Apps
- View ASDC Flyer; TLC is a member of American Society for Deaf Children (ASDC); our families can receive a $10 discount
Affordable Housing and Resources for Unhoused
McKinney-Vento Act: designed to address the challenges that homeless children and youths have faced in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. State educational agencies (SEAs) must ensure that each homeless child and youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including a public preschool education, as other children and youths.
SEB Housing: An Affordable Housing Consulting group that works with developers and management teams and applicants. SEB Housing’s participation ensures that affordable units are offered to qualified tenants and buyers through a fair and impartial selection process so that developers and management companies avoid many of the perils and challenges associated with the affordable unit lease-up and/or sell-out that is part of the final phase of the development process.
Contact: Email | Phone: 617-782-2300