Advanced ASL
Advanced coursework in ASL to gain expertise in ASL vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, and enriched presentation of academic content.
Benjamin Lewis and Benjamin Jarashow
In This Training, You Will:
Expanded ASL foundation skills (grammar and meaning)
Greater fluency in conversational and academic skills in ASL using appropriate advanced structures
Increased ASL vocabulary
Enhanced ability to comprehend and express ASL narratives
Improved discourse, self-generated storytelling, and translations
Enhanced skills in a variety of ASL registers (formal, consultative, informal and intimate)
Enhanced production and receptive skills of more sophisticated aspects of ASL syntax knowledge
Sessions Dates and Times:
Friday, February 7, 5pm-8pm
Saturday, February 8, 8:30am-5pm
Saturday, February 29, 8:30am-5pm
Sunday, March 1, 8:30am-5pm
Friday, March 13, 5pm-8pm
Saturday, March 14, 8:30am-5pm
Early Childhood Center Building
848 Central Street
Framingham, MA 01701